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INI File  |  2003-02-08  |  2.4 KB  |  80 lines

  1. [Install General]
  2. instStrNetscapeTitle=Netscape Installer
  3. instBtnGoBack=Go Back
  4. instBtnContinue=Continue
  5. instBtnCancel=Cancel
  6. instBtnDecline=Decline
  7. instBtnAccept=Accept
  8. instBtnInstall=Install
  9. instBtnLicense=License
  10. instBtnReadMe=Read Me
  11. instStrInstallLocation=Installation Location
  12. instBtnSelectLocation=Select Location...
  13. instStrOnDisk=on disk
  14. instStrInFolder=in folder
  15. instStrDescription=Description
  16. instStrChooseFodler=Please choose the install folder.
  17. instStrSpaceAvailable=Disk space available:  
  18. instStrSpaceNeeded=Disk space needed:  
  19. instStrKB= K 
  20. instStrExtracting=Extracting installer filesā€¦
  21. instStrInstalling=Installing 
  22. instStrFile=file 
  23. instStrOf= of 
  24. instStrProcessing=Processing  
  25. instBtnProxy=Proxy Settingsā€¦
  26. instStrProxy=Proxy Settings
  27. instStrHost=Proxy Host:
  28. instStrPort=Proxy Port:
  29. instStrUsername=Proxy Username:
  30. instStrPassword=Proxy Password:
  31. instBtnOK=OK
  32. instStrDownload=Download Settings
  33. instStrSelectSite=Select a download site:
  34. instStrDownloading=Downloading:
  35. instStrFrom=                 From:
  36. instStrTo=                       To:
  37. instStrRate=              Status:
  38. instStrTimeLeft=          Time left:
  39. instStrDownloadKB= %d1 KB of %d2 KB  (%.2f KB/sec)
  40. instBtnDelete=Delete
  41. instBtnQuit=Quit
  42. instStrDiskSpace1=Disk space available: 
  43. instStrDiskSpace2=Disk space required: 
  44. instStrDiskSpace3=Press OK to return to the installer, free disk space, and continue.  Or press Quit.
  45. instBtnPause=Pause
  46. instBtnResume=Resume
  47. instStrValidating=Validating checksum: %s
  48. instAppExecuting1=A version of this product is currently running on your computer. In order to continue with the installation, please switch to that application and exit it. Then, return to the installer, and press Continue.  Or press Quit now to exit the installer.
  50. [Install menu]
  51. instMenuAboutNs=About Netscape Installer...
  52. instMenuFile=File
  53. instMenuQuit=Quit
  54. instMenuQuitHotkey=Q
  55. instMenuEdit=Edit
  56. instMenuUndo=Undo
  57. instMenuUndoHotkey=Z
  58. instMenuCut=Cut
  59. instMenuCutHotkey=X
  60. instMenuCopy=Copy
  61. instMenuCopyHotkey=C
  62. instMenuPaste=Paste
  63. instMenuPasteHotkey=V
  64. instMenuClear=Clear
  65. instMenuClearHotkey=B
  67. [Install message]
  68. instErr1=Error 
  69. instErr2=Unexpected error!
  70. instErr3=Installation failed due to error: 
  71. instErrParam=Invalid parameter
  72. instErrMem=Out of memory
  73. instErrParseFailed=Parse failed
  74. instErrLoadLib=Library load failed
  75. instErrUnknownDlgID=Unknown dialog ID
  76. instErrSpawn=Thread spawn failed
  77. instErrMenuHdl=Could not obtain menu handle
  78. instErrCfgRead=Config file read failed
  79. instErrDownload=Download failed!